Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Page requested the return of money from the kenyan-parliamentary – Mynewsdesk (press release)

Page calls back around 5.7 million from the kenyan valorganisationen EISA. This is because the organisation has not managed the support from the Page in a proper way.
The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA) has received support from Sida since 2012. Support has been given to three projects which all aimed at strengthening the kenyan electoral process. It has among other things focused on the institutional strengthening of political parties so that they can act constructively and sensitively in the electoral process, the integration and increase of women’s participation in election campaigning and political processes and frameworks for election observation. A total of EISA received approximately 23 million sek from Sida.

After a tip to the embassy if the irregularities had an accounting firm commissioned to review the organisation and management closer. The auditing firm has stated that EISA has violated several of the paragraphs in the agreement which regulate Sida’s support to the organization. For example, EISA not complied with the terms and conditions of procurement Page have asked and they have lacked agreement with tredjepartsorganisationer that they have vidareförmedlat support. On the basis of the audit report requires the Page therefore now back 5.7 million Swedish kronor. At the same time, it is said, ongoing the agreement with EISA up, an agreement that would have expired first in 2017.

“this type of misuse of aid funds affects always the weakest the most, the poor people will have better opportunities through the efforts that we support,” says Torbjörn Pettersson, head of Sida’s Afrikaavdelning. At the same time is economic irregularity is a part of perspective the problem that we in many of the environments we work in and that is why our continuous work to detect the errors is very important.

For more information contact Sida’s team of press officers on the 08-698 55 55 or press @ page.see

Page is Sweden’s victims and working to people living in poverty to improve their living conditions.


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