Thursday, October 13, 2016

Gutierrez elected as the new secretary – general- Göteborgs-Posten

World Antonio Guterres, has been elected as the new secretary-general of the united nations. Guterres has previously been the prime minister of Portugal, and the last 10 years have been the UN high commissioner for refugees. The choice to Guterres hailed.

The former Portuguese prime minister Antonio Guterres has been elected as the new secretary-general of the united nations, reports AFP. He will replace Ban Ki-moon on 1 January.

Antonio Guterres has been the UN flyktingskommissarie in ten years and was nominated to become the new secretary-general last week by a united security council. He is seen as a stable, humanitarian force after his time as the head of the flyktingorganet the UNHCR. Politicians and the UN-connoisseur sprinkling of praise for the Portuguese player that they think can strengthen the UN’s role in world politics.

the Current secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon calls him a “superb choice”.

Although one of the Bans strongest critics, former auditor general Inga-Britt Ahlenius, is happy about the choice.

” I think there is hope for the united nations now, with a manager of his caliber. I hope that he can go against the big five (China, Russia, the united kingdom, France and the united states), ” said Inga-Britt Ahlenius, who was the head of the UN internal audit 2005-2010, to TT last week when Gutierrez was nominated.

Ahlenius think Gutierrez can get the powers to listen and give the UN more authority.

today is the united nations completely absent in the major peace missions, in the Middle east, among other things, for that you don’t have a secretary-general that the major powers think is worthy to converse with. The UN becomes a rundningsmärke. But Guterres will never be a rundningsmärke, she said.


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