Sunday, September 4, 2016

Obama on brexit slack-rope in the G20 – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Brexit set the tone when world leaders in the G20 now begun their talks in the Chinese multi-million city of Hangzhou. US signals polite skepticism to Britain leaving the EU, while Australia are more enthusiastic.

Barack Obama Theresa May press conference in Hangzhou. Photo: Carolyn Kaster

the G20 meeting is the relatively newly elected British Prime Minister Theresa May’s debut world politics, and the first major summit of world leaders since the British voted to leave the EU.

and May flying start by meeting with US President Barack Obama. At a joint press conference capitalized Obama on the tightrope as he clearly indicated that he constantly thought that Britain belongs in the EU, while he can not ignore the results of the referendum in June was that Britain should go out.

For example, Obama reiterated according to the Reuters news agency that the United States can not prioritize linking separate trade agreement with the United Kingdom, as it has been busy with the broad trade agreements with Asia TPP and TTIP in Europe. Even before the referendum in June, Obama said that the British end up “in the back of the queue” for trade agreements if they leave the EU.

May, it has its part not easy; She must now try to energize the outside world before brexit, that after having campaigned for the other side to the Referendum.

– There will be difficult times ahead, she confessed to British reporters on the trip to China, but added:

– I think that the economic reactions have been better than some had predicted after the referendum. But I will not pretend that this will be a quiet sailing trip.

As is customary in such diplomatic context was Obama’s and May’s news conference also full of mutual praise.

– Now UK trying to leave the EU gracefully, we stress again the very special relationship between the United States and the United kingdom, said Obama.

Although the United States can not really go may to meet on trade, she gets support on that front by another former British colony.

– They must have free trade agreements in place and we are enthusiastic and want to help, said Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to media outlets in Hangzhou.

– we give Britain as much help as we can at a practical level.

And that may be needed. An exit process from the EU on this level has never before been made or even outlined, and during the summer there have been numerous reports that the newly established brexit authorities in London have been difficult to attract people with the right skills.

Apart other joint deliberations in Hangzhou May tomorrow Monday a separate meeting scheduled also with the meeting host, Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Facts: G20

the G20 was created in 1999 as a meeting forum for 20 of the world’s largest economies – 19 countries and the EU. Since 2008, additionally meet countries’ leaders in the annual summits in the country for the year presidency.

The last meeting was held in Turkey. This year, China is the presidency.

Together, the G20 members for 85 percent of world gross domestic product.

The G20 is a wider version of the more exclusive superpower club G8 ( “Those of Eight group”) where only the biggest and most powerful can join. The latter is called the moment the G7, because Russia can not participate because of the country’s role in the Ukraine conflict.


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