Friday, September 2, 2016

Assistants receive a strike for his pay – Aftonbladet

After much fuss and hassles became industry wage agreement last year to end normative. Almost everyone who works in a company with collective received a wage increase of 2.2 percent. It is historically low wage increases. In May, the Riksbank showed that wage growth this year is actually even lower: 1.8 percent.

Some liable to get even worse salary increases are personal assistants who work in the private sector. At least if employers Care Providers may determine.

Lose the 2000 year in the month

The employers argue that this year they can not agree to any wage increases that are higher than 177 crowns – or 0 , 8 percent. In January next year would increase by a further 310 million and then land at 2.2 percent.

But, like the Municipal Agreement Secretary Lenita Granlund says in the newspaper Kommunalarbetaren, then the assistants to lose nearly 2 000.

the cost for attendance has increased drastically in the last decade. Today it costs the state almost 30 billion. That Care Providers

do not want to raise wages more than 0.8 percent because they do not think they get enough money from the state.

Gains 213 million

Meanwhile, the private companies – which currently dominate the market – pure profit machines. Last summer audited Today Arena annual reports of the 20 largest players in the market. The largest private equity-owned Humana group and Frösunda care. According to its latest published annual reports made companies gains of 176 and 213 million.

The average salary for a personal assistant working in the private sector is 22,140 kronor. Now they offered a lower wage than any other in the labor market.

Yesterday, the union gave notice of recruitment blockade from September 13th. Yes, thanks for that.

Employers should be able to pay assistants for the community and the vital work they do. Adding to the industry norm is unacceptable.


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