Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Trump’s tactics do not work in the real election – Aftonbladet

Donald Trump runs his election campaign as a reality show actor. You have to constantly seize as much attention as possible. All publicity is good. Even the bad.

The tactic worked during the primaries but evidence suggests that reality is catching up with him in the real election campaign.

His is not fully expressed yet clear incitement to violence against rival Hillary Clinton is yet another in a series of conscious gaffe in which he follows a now well-known tactic.

When the media picks up the controversial, he said, begins Trumps campaign immediately to deny and blame themselves. According to Trump is the only media that is lying. Or he has been misunderstood. Or so he joked. It summarizes the all but media and the political elite.

When he suggested that supporters of the constitutional right to bear arms would act against Clinton he meant, of course, not that they would shoot her, but that they would use their voice to stop her from appointing liberal judges to the Supreme Court. All other interpretations are elite’s way of trying to belittle Trump. According to him yourself.

When Trump recently urged Russia to hack Clinton’s email so he claimed afterwards that he had been sarcastic. When he wanted to kick out a screaming baby from an election rally, he had joked. READ ALSO PLUS Here are the celebrities who support the Trump

Attract new voters

this tactic worked very well in the primaries when there is a small crowd of party faithful or disgruntled voters go to the polls. Though the nation the United States was dismayed by Trump’s insults of women, Hispanics and Muslims voted the redeemed followers at Trump.

But in the duel against Hillary Clinton, it’s a different dynamic that regard. Now Trump must get new voter groups with them. The angry, educated white men are simply not enough to carry him all the way to the White House.

I understand that the Republican Party establishment is starting to get worried that Trump’s election campaign will collapse. They got Trump on his neck against her will, and now he looks to pull the entire party with him in the case. In the November elections are not just presidential power at stake. Elections are also made to the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate. Today controls republicans Congress but Trump continues to appear as a reckless and inept leaders may democrats very well take over.

Loses women

Although still three months to the election, but opinion polls pointing completely wrong direction for Trump. Since the end of July, Hillary Clinton doubled its lead. What is worse for Trump as he is about to lose an important Republican constituency, women. Just over 70 percent of Republican women plan to vote for Trump. A spigot 13 percent compared with the previous month.

Mitt Romney received, according to the New York Times, 93 percent of Republican women’s votes in the last election. As many as George W. Bush in 2004. McCain got 89 percent in 2008.

Given how unpopular Trump is in broad, it is a mystery that he managed to get this far. He is rescued by that Hillary Clinton is almost as unpopular. Therefore, it is still too early to judge the Trump even though the weeks after partikonventen been his worst during the entire election campaign.

Reality Show

Trump are also held in the arms of the Republicans who now publicly distance from him and the media that pours negative publicity of real estate magnate all belong to the establishment that Trump’s voters want to kick away from power. Votes that these voters do not listen to.

Still, Trump painted himself into a corner. In order not to alienate their loyal supporters, he must continue to be anti-candidate behaves like a bull in a china shop. But how many new voters he attracts with it?

The presidential election is after all not a reality show. Or?


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