Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Republican security rejects Trump – Sveriges Radio

– He does not seem to be interested in the details, he does not want to listen, he facturers do not want to learn. That combined with his problematic character brings a scary mix, says Dov Zack Heim one of the fifty security police policy experts who signed the letter.

Zack Heim yourself served in the recent Bush administration and among other signatories are previously had the head of the intelligence agencies CIA and NSA, Michael Hayden and security experts who served at various levels throughout all Republican presidents since Richard Nixon in the 1970′s.

The letter, published in the New York Times contains scathing criticism against Donald Trump as a person. He is directly dangerous to national security and he risks becoming the most reckless president in American history, writes them.

Donald Trump self dismisses critics as part of the Washington elite that he would resist and that it is not surprising that they criticize him because it is they who are behind the the world looks as it does today. At the same time came late yesterday a further blow to his campaign.

The first rebublikanska senator now publicly distanced itself from the Trump campaign. The Washington Post writes Susan Collins of Maine that Trump does not stand for traditonella Republican values ​​and that she will not be voting for him in the November election.

This was otherwise day that Donald Trump would get a fresh start after a week of controversy. His economic programs contained large tax cuts for businesses, a significantly simplified skattesysten and fierce criticism of those trade agreements which he says is draining the US on the job.

Democrats Hillary Clinton, who presents his economic platform on Thursday, believes however that the Trumps plan will benefit only the rich.


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