Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Large Bitcoinstöld in Hong Kong – Västerbotten Courier

Economy. 120,000 Bitcoins worth about $ 72 million, or just over 600 million crowns were stolen in gear now Bitfinex in Hong Kong on Tuesday. The digital wafer had the value of Bitcoin plunging.

The company is the world’s largest Bitcoin exchanges against the dollar and the value of digital currency plummeted by 23 percent when the hacking became known. On Wednesday recovered the value a few percent.

The currency was stolen in individual users’ wallets “and how it exactly gone to is still unclear. Bitfinex has reported the theft to the police and cooperate with analysts to track stolen goods, reports Reuters.

Bitcoin has recently been under pressure and this hacking makes the currency attractive. The theft is the second largest after the intrusion of the Tokyo-based Mt. Gox 2014 when Bitcoins worth $ 500 million was stolen.

– It takes a blow, now it is not bitcoin who had problems but stock markets, but it is clear that the ecosystem problems, so there are more difficult to use bitcoin and therefore it is of course a blow to confidence in the system, says Louis Oberg, co-founder of the Swedish exchange service for Bitcoin, Safello, to Swedish Radio.

Bitcoins are traceable and therefore considers that the experts it will be difficult for the hackers get the stolen back on the market.


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