Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Clinton after Trump’s weapons gambit: “Words matter” – Aftonbladet

Many have interpreted Donald Trump’s latest comments for gun enthusiasts as a threat to the opponent, Hillary Clinton.

– Words can have enormous consequences, said Clinton at a selector meeting in Iowa on Wednesday, calling the opening lead an “incitement to violence”.

Meanwhile, reports CNN that US intelligence has spoken with Trump, something he himself rejects.

in a speech to voters on Tuesday targeted Republican controversial presidential candidate Donald Trump a few words to the proponents of the Second constitutional Amendment, the so-called “Second Amendment”, which stipulates the right to bear arms.

He said then that stricter gun laws will be implemented and that the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, more or less will abolish the supplement if she is elected US president.

– If she gets to choose his judge’s nothing you can do, said Trump according to several US media, adding:

– Perhaps weapons advocates can do something, I do not know.

the statement has not surprisingly attracted strong reactions and many interpreted as a veiled threat Clinton.

the secret services in talks with Trump

on Wednesday, reports CNN that US security police, Secret service, since Tuesday been in contact with the Trump campaign in response to the comment.

– It has been more than a conversation on the subject, says an intelligence official told the television channel.

Trump’s campaign staff declined to comment on what the Secret service officer indicated to CNN. But that did not stop presidential aspirant from Wednesday night to make its own statement on Twitter:
“No such meeting or conversation has taken place – it is a fictional story of ‘low tittarsiffror’-CNN,” tweets Trump.

Clinton: “Words can have consequences”

Late on Wednesday evening, Swedish time, Hillary Clinton spoke at an electoral meeting in Des Moines, Iowa. She then called Trump’s comments an “incitement to violence” and says that the opening lead shows that he does not have the right temperament to lead the country, writes AP.

– Words matter, my friends, and if you vying to become president or president of the United States, words can have enormous consequences, Clinton said, and continued:
– yesterday we witnessed the latest in a long line of offhand comments from Donald Trump who go over the limit.

Donald Trump its part, insists that he never advocated violence and his comments on Tuesday were only for that one gun owners and has been manipulated for political ends, writes AP.

another who have responded with disgust at Trump’s latest gambit is Bernice King, whose father, activist and civil rights activist Martin Luther King was shot to death in April 1968, 39 years old.

“as the daughter of a leader who was murdered, I find Trump’s comments distasteful, outrageous, dangerous, “she tweeted on Tuesday.


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