Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Boman assumes responsibility for the failure – Swedish Dagbladet

Handelsbanken’s chairman Pär Boman. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarsson Neideman

A “felrekrytering” called Handelsbanken’s chairman, the former CEO Frank Vang-Jensen, who only got 17 months on record . Pär Boman also recognizes that he has a share of the blame for the failure.

– I have an important responsibility, says Pär Boman at the hastily convened press conference at Handelsbanken’s head office on Tuesday morning.

– I sat on the board and had seen Frank in different roles in the bank. It turned out that his leadership capabilities not matched the demands we have a CEO.

the exact requirements Frank Vang-Jensen could not handle is not entirely clear. Nor how the Board could make such a gross miscalculation of his qualifications. Some areas not worked well can Boman in any case mention.

– It’s all about communication, transparency and openness. It is about to include many employees in a vision, the kinds of questions, says Pär Boman.

Was there an internal dissatisfaction with Vang-Jensen?

– the Board of Directors has made a completely independent evaluation of how we see the president act in different contexts.

Pär Boman does not agree that the change occurs suddenly, even though Frank Vang-Jensen then was added just last year. When he presented the Bank’s latest quarterly report a month ago, there were no signs that it would be his last as president.

– We continuously evaluate, and when the board well come to the conclusion that we must act, it is the only way to take responsibility, says Pär Boman.

Handelsbanken’s new CEO, Anders Bouvin. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarsson Neideman

The new CEO Anders Bouvin has been taken from the bank’s British part. It was now clear that it is Handelsbanken model will now be protected by the new CEO. But Bouvin also believe that the model creates challenges.

– Our big challenge is that when we take care of issues that pop up, it may be cyclical or new regulations, that we do it in a way that fits well in our culture. We cherish our model, there are offices, the bank says Anderson Bouvin.

In the spring discussed Handelsbanken’s plans to close or merge smaller bank branches around the country. The new CEO has no other plans for the bank.

– There are certainly reasons for the decisions that have been taken at Handelsbanken, now I have just taken over and must have the opportunity to familiarize myself with this before I can express an opinion.

According to Chairman Pär Boman as is the appointment of the new CEO nothing to be seen as a new direction for the bank, but is entirely a matter of individual qualifications. New CEO agrees.

– We know what we’re doing in the bank, it is now about to make it a little better. It will be “business as usual”.


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