Saturday, July 2, 2016

Requirements for fines against municipality – Västerbotten Courier

Laholm bought IT services without advertising the contract. It is an illegal direct award, according to the Competition Authority who turned to the administrative court in Gothenburg, demanding that the municipality should pay 80,000 kronor award damages.

The municipality initially thought that the cost of the mission would be below 505,800 kronor, which is limit for direct purchase. But it was a grave underestimation and ultimately billed just over one million.

“When a contracting authority plans to conclude a contract, it is important to have good foresight and is thorough in its assessment of how high the contract value may be expected to be. This is especially true when projects are implemented on an ongoing basis without any ceiling agreed in advance, “writes the Swedish Competition Authority Director General Dan Sjöblom, in a press release.


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