Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Accused of delaying the VW investigation – Västerbotten Courier

Economy. The European Commission has waited ten weeks to disclose documents an investigation into Volkswagen’s emissions cheating. Now accused the for procrastinate.


the US environmental Protection Agency environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that Volkswagen (VW) cheated emissions tests by manipulating the software in a number of car models so that they would show better results in the emission tests.

Volkswagen has stated that over 11 million cars have been equipped with software that manipulates the emissions data, nitrogen oxide from diesel engines of the type EA189.

Diesel cars “felt by” testing and struck when the emission-reducing features to cope the limit values ​​for emissions. Emissions must have been 40 times more than allowed.

The Cheat also includes cars sold in other parts of the world.

Sources: Reuters, AFP

– it is two and a half months ago we requested these documents and it is 500 meters to go, says Fredrick Federley (C) member of the inquiry in the European Parliament appointed to investigate the pollution scandal.

among the members of the European Parliament before the suspicion that at some level within the Commission – amongst officials, or among the commissioners – knew about the cheating with emission tests that Volkswagen devoted himself to back in 2007 when new EU regulations were presented.

the allegations are examined in committee and in an interview with the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet reported Federleys that he believes it is the reason that the documents not disclosed – he accusing the Commission to delay the investigation.

Behind them Federleys including the French Honourable Karima Delli, one of the committee’s vice chairman.

According to her assistant, Emmanuel Kujawski, the Committee has already secured evidence that the Commission was aware that the rules were abandoned.

– it’s one of the things we have learned so far, even though we have not had access to all the emails we requested, he said.

TT has sought EU Commission and discharges the Chairman for comment.


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