Thursday, June 2, 2016

Vattenfall’s new multi-billion dollar investment: based record wind farm – Business Week

So large is the new park.

Vattenfall is now beginning construction of the offshore wind farm Horns Rev 3 off the west coast of Denmark, as indicated in a press release from the company.

the park will be operational in 2018 and the total investment amounts to just over 1 billion euros (about 9.3 billion). Horns Rev 3 will supply electricity for 400,000 Danish homes.

“Horns Rev 3 is an important part of Vattenfall’s ambitions regarding wind energy, and in particular our focus on offshore wind farms. Horns Rev 3 is also a clear signal to the outside world that Vattenfall’s strategy is to make new investments in renewable energy production and to grow in wind power. Vattenfall supports the transition to a fully renewable energy system and take on the challenge despite the current low electricity prices and over-capacity, “says Magnus Hall, president and CEO of Vattenfall.

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The company’s head of wind power operations Gunnar Groebler mean that the park “will be part of an important cluster of offshore wind farms on the Danish west coast. It means that we can exploit synergies in operations and maintenance, which benefits all of our wind farms on the coast of Denmark, “he says.

Total, Vattenfall currently just over 1,000 offshore wind turbines in Denmark, Norway and England.

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