Monday, May 2, 2016

High time to declare – Dagens Industri

Does example income data and interest deductions to be reasonable? Is the reporting data from the proceeds of endowment and ISK correct?

A clue to what carryforwards that can be used is the frequency.

Our most common deductions is for travel to and from work, as more than 900 000 have been utilized in recent years. The bar, however, is relatively high overall, it’s only traveling expenses of SEK 10 000 deductible. It will, for example, the case for rail commuters, but not for normal public transport commuters.

Anyone who wants to take off car must meet certain criteria, which serve at least two hours of travel time to take the car instead of public transport.

another very common deductions are retirement savings, which in 2015 made his exit from the tax. Last year it went to save a maximum of SEK 1 800 with deductions.

This year it abolished the most. However, self-employed and employees who are not entitled to pension at work make deductions for retirement savings.

The deduction for gifts to non-profit organizations is another deduction made now for the last time. The tax is reduced by 25 percent of the gift’s value up to 6000 crowns.

The deduction for double residence is made of about 70 000 people. Here it is for instance students to think. They have been registered as resident in the city, but a summer job in another location, you can deduct for the increased cost of living.

When it comes to investment income , the investment savings account, ISK become increasingly common. Instead of capital gains tax is paid an annual flat-rate tax on the proceeds, in 2015 was 0.27 percent of the value of the account.

Banks and savings institutions to submit to the tax authorities, and details of standard income to be taxed appears on the printed document.

this is different ISK from the endowment, where the bank accounts and pays income tax.

Tax Agency warns else to right the declaration of assets, which this year will be of 560 000 people, is one of the areas where the declarants often do wrong. The Council will be to fill in form K4 electronically, which many help functions are filling in the right.

Anyone who has had misfortune to invest in companies that have gone bankrupt will think that loss carryforwards can not be saved. This applies, for example, companies that TrustBuddy and Dannemora which was declared bankrupt last year.

When it comes to deductions root and ruttjänster ceiling is SEK 50 000 per person for 2015. the deduction is preprinted on the return.

Worth to consider is that these deductions can only be set off against this year’s taxes. If anyone in the household can not exploit it to the full, you can reallocate interest deductions on joint loans to maximize the deduction.

not yet declared should increase the pace. No later than midnight on Monday the return must be filed. This year has also delays the fee has been increased to 1250 crowns. At last year’s declaration went 89 000 people on the late fee.

A common, but annoying, miss is that curious taxpayers has gone into its electronic declaration to check any refund. Since betraying the memory and it is believed that the declaration also is submitted.

Another reason to not to be out at the last second is that the Tax computers can become overloaded. A couple hundred thousand declarants usually take the opportunity to log in during the last days.


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