Friday, May 13, 2016

Gas companies are rushing digit on AktieTorget – Dagens Industri

The Stock Market Listed gas company Igrene, looking for bargains in Siljansringen, is at 14 o’clock climbed just over 115 percent and retail sales of SEK 23 million crowns. It is today by far the highest turnover on the list and record for Igrene. At most, the course was up more than 160 percent in the opening.

The rally comes after the company on Thursday announced it on Wednesday received cancel the tests in a borehole at Mora Field. The tests were stopped because it looks so much gas that the company risked losing control of the gas outflow, called a blow out.

Measurements are made through to pump water out of the hole, which partly means that you can extract gas from the water but also the release of gas because the pressure is lowered. Several hours after the pumping is stopped, it continued free flow of gas in large quantities.

Mats Budh, CEO Igrene, says the tests was to study how much methane gas that can be extracted on shallower depth.

“It turned out surprisingly nice that even at this level showed gasprocessen a greater vivacity than we had imagined,” says Mats Budh.

Nearby are is also a 700 meter deep hole where the plant is designed to handle very turbulent conditions. Though the borehole began activated the week.

What it encountered gas reservoir is unable to assess at present. Samples show that the concentration of methane gas is as high as between 96 and 97 percent. The higher the concentration, the less gas is processed to be used as vehicle fuel or in industry.

“We can use this gas just as it is”, says Mats Budh . “To find such a high concentration in nature is a little unusual.”

Last fall, got Igrene refusal of a prolonged mining permits for seven areas. The decision taken by the Mining Inspectorate, the entity of authority Geological Survey hearing permits for exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits, has been appealed to the Administrative Court in Falun. Mats Budh believe that the news comes before the holiday.

“We think of course we have so much winning arguments why it should be a positive response on our part, so I keep on Igrene in this case, “he says.

One of the company’s insiders will be blown on the course rush. Soren Hedberg, one of the founders, sold May 12 sold 4800 shares in the company. If he waited until Friday to sell, he had around 80,000 kronor more for their shares.

On the other hand takes Soren Hedberg family barely 658,000 shares in Igrene and learn not to be sad when the stock price doubled in one day.


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