Saturday, May 14, 2016

Another setback for those who want to prevent Trump to reach the White House – Aftonbladet

One by one they hold peaks within the Republican Party to do the inevitable.

Swallowing anger and annoyance, and make peace with Donald Trump.

All to save the party and stop Hillary Clinton from becoming America’s next president.

for many people in the United States and around the world who hope that it in no way to go to put spokes in Donald Trump’s Republican unity dance yet another setback.

as recently as a week ago, said Paul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the Congress, that he could not imagine behind Donald Trump.

Lindsey Graham said that no “re-education camps” would make him change his mind and support the Trump.

After yesterday’s reconciliation meetings in Congress lets it suddenly completely different.

Paul Ryan characterizes now Trump as “a warm and genuine” man that he can work with. Lindsey Graham, a senator from South Carolina who previously called Donald Trump for “crackpot” and “losers”, declared now that Trump had a great sense of humor and he asked questions that suggested he was inserted.

notify into line

Although neither Ryan or Graham ready to immediately give its support to the Trump but it is likely only a matter of time before they and other recalcitrant topprepublikaner informs into line.

the reason is simple. Do they have any chance of winning the presidential election in the fall, they have no choice. Without reconciliation danger the party to split into two.

It has taken time for many but the realization sinks in that increasingly it is Trump who will be the party’s candidate whether they want to or not. Wholesale Small still will not have him, but the grass roots have given him more votes than any Republican previously received in the primaries.

Many Trump Opponents have propagated to throw in a third independent candidate. An almost guaranteed way to stop billionaire from reaching the White House. But the lure has quickly subsided when everyone realized that it is the same as to serve Hillary Clinton presidency on a silver platter.

Two Republicans in the race would primarily steal votes from each other. Not from Clinton.

Waiting on all the rocks

The Republican establishment has turned every stone. Analyzed all the options. The conclusion is that the only chance for the party to get a Republican in the White House is to support the Trump.

His brusque way, they can put up with as long as he insults Clinton instead of the party’s own. Trump has already started by calling his opponent “rogue Hillary”. While he mocks her husband Bill’s infidelity.

When Donald Trump started his campaign, he had probably as little expectations as everyone else to really win the nomination. His campaign was long rather amateurish and was driven primarily by that he received huge free space in the media. Now, when it started to sink in that he really has a chance to reach the White House begins even Trump realize that he needs to become more professional.


Now he suddenly have the help of the party to raise money for his campaign. He constantly boasted that he stands for the bill itself and thus remains free of all interests.

Trump also appears to have realized that he needs to be more serious and presidential rate in its image. His demands to stop all Muslims from entering the United States, he presented the Republican Congressmen as “a proposal”. A signal that Trump is a pragmatist who is willing to do what it takes to win.

The party establishment now replace the foot does not mean that they basically changed their opinion of Trump. It just shows how desperate they want to take back the presidency. And above all, prevent it from Republicans hated Hillary Clinton appropriating it. READ ALSO SUPER GUIDE: How it works US elections


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