Friday, April 15, 2016

Sweden’s most valuable brand – Västerbotten Courier

Affärsliv24. Now, Sweden’s most valuable brand appointed. Ikea comes out top in monetary terms, but Ericsson is the strongest.

Every year, ranked the world’s leading brands by Brand Finance, the world leader in brand valuation.

For Sweden, it is Ikea that is the country’s most valuable brand. The brand is valued at $ 17 billion, which is a reduction of 8 per cent against the previous year. In second place came the H & amp; M and Ericsson in third.

According to Brand Finance, Ericsson is Sweden’s strongest brand, thanks to a consistent branding and an active social dialogue.

This year’s rockets respect increase in brand value is Lundbergs (+ 28%), Securitas (+ 28%), Tele2 (+ 27%), Cloetta (+ 15%) and Ica (+ 15%).

This year’s losers in brand value Atlas Copco (-22%), Sandvik (-26%), Seco Tools (-26%), Recipharm (-32%) and Lotus (-36%).

Sweden’s most valuable brands:

The first Ikea

second H & amp; M

third Ericsson

4th Nordea

5th TeliaSonera

sixth Volvo

seventh Swedish Handelsbanken

8th SEB

ninth Swedbank

10th Skanska

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