Saturday, April 16, 2016

More companies are criticized from the Tax on interest deductions – Sveriges Radio

The deductions have in all cases been made with companies abroad, says Tomas Algotsson, Head of the Tax Agency’s legal department.

– They have not received deductions in Sweden to interest härör to a foreign company. And it is primarily large companies.

After the task yesterday from Swedish Television that forest company SCA is required at around a billion in taxes, it now appears that even Sandvik, SSAB and four smaller Annual interest deductions sought by a so-called branch set up. Together, the companies according to the authorities would pay about two and a half billion in taxes since interest deductions are not accepted. The decisions have been or will be appealed by companies that made allowances for 2008.

– Usually it is to finance the purchase, or in connection with major investments.

And even then the internal company when they buy, so to say for himself?

– Often the transactions in these cases, says Tomas Algotsson.


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