Friday, April 1, 2016

Here are Tesla’s new car – Dagens Industri

As expected, Tesla’s new Model 3 slightly smaller than the luxury version Model S, and costs less than half the price.

On Friday morning Swedish time gathered press and Tesla owner in Tesla’s design studio in Hawthorne, California, to see the company’s new Model 3. The event was broadcast live and all press corps around Tesla’s car lip is more like an Apple or Google events, rather than when other automakers presents new models.

As expected, the price of the Model 3 start at 35 000 dollars in the United States. That’s less than half the price of a Model S. Price class corresponds models like the BMW 3 Series and Audi A4. The price of a Model 3 in Sweden is believed to start at around SEK 400 000.

In the standard model of the Model 3 includes the hardware to run on autopilot and the ability to super-charge, as it is called in the Tesla-language – ie fast charge car .

the basic model of the car is expected to run nearly 35 mil on one charge. It is slightly more than expected, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk argues that there should be minimum as possible to get out. By comparison, the smallest battery in the Model S a distance of some 37 mil.

This morning’s event is expected to be the first launch of the Model 3, which is supposed to appeal to the mass market. Tesla CEO and founder Elon Musk has already indicated that there will be a further event which will provide more specific information. He said nothing about it on the stage of the design studio. Before he showed up Model 3 he talked about Tesla’s master plan – which was originally a trilogy, but that was changed to four stages in that they built SUV Model X on the same platform as the Model S.

Model 3 has not started yet and manufactured according to Elon Musk, the car should start shipping in late 2017. Tesla is known for being on time with deliveries, and the Model X was promised to mid-2014, but finally came out to the customer October 2015.

“Model 3 will begin shipping by the end of next year. I feel quite sure of it,” said Elon Musk on the scene, and drew many laughs from the audience.

on Thursday, there were many who stood in line to reserve a Model 3. for example, in Stockholm, where the first person started to queue up at half past five in the morning.

Read also: Here they will queue up for a car that does not exist

Elon Musk told that until now have been reserved 115 000 cars in stores and online, where they opened up for reservations for just a few hours ago. He visited yourself store Century City in Los Angeles yesterday and did high fives with some of those who waited.


Tesla -aktien dropped sharply at the beginning of the year but began to rise again when the latest quarterly report came in February. When flagged the company that will produce more cars than expected in 2016. At the close of trading on Thursday, a low share price over one percent up.

The company has just shown a profit in a single quarter in its almost thirteen year history. Electric Production costs money and Elon Musks goal is to produce 500,000 cars a year in 2020. This year, the product number to 80,000 to 90,000 cars, so it’s a way to go.

This article is updated regularly. ..

Learn more: Tesla promises many cars this year – shares rushing

Read also: the Swedish Tesla height switch quit – now he is the angel


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