Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cameron apologizes: “a lesson” – Dagens Industri

Cameron apologizes: “a lesson”

                  2016-04-09 19:22

The British Prime Minister David Cameron admits a meeting with his party colleagues in the Conservative Tories that he committed several mistakes the past week.

In the leaked Panama documents showing that he benefited from tax planning.

I know I would have handled this better, I have been able to handle this better. I know there is a lesson to learn here, says the prime minister, referring to the events surrounding the family tax planning through the law firm Mossack Fonseca in Panama. Not the best week, he notes further, and stresses that the fault is his, and not his Office or any “unnamed adviser”.

the British prime minister then explained that he intends to disclose its private economy.

Later I will also publish details of my tax return, and not just for this year but for the past few years. I want to be open and transparent when it comes to this.

This week it emerged that David Cameron’s dad tax plan and that the prime minister benefited from this. Finally admitted Cameron, leading to protests and demands on his departure. In an interview with British television channel ITV told Cameron that he sold his share of his father’s Fund before he became prime minister in 2010.

And many are resentful – thousands of people demonstrated, demanding Cameron’s resignation outside 10 Downing Street outside the party premises in connection with he apologized.


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