Wednesday, March 9, 2016

People are graded in controversial new app – Swedish Dagbladet

Photo: peeple

It was after an article in the Washington Post in September that the Internet was scared up sharply. The app Peeples founder Nicole McCullough and Julia Cordray told me that they wanted to create a “Yelp for people.” Owners have long been the most popular way for people to rate restaurants, hairdressers and other shops and services.

The transfer of the splash to humans would in peeple mean that anyone could rate anyone – your postman, your friend or your ex – even if you were not using the app.

the idea overwhelmed by the criticism. It was called the “bully-app” and Facebook page got lots of posts, among other things said that the app would reduce people to numbers.

Monday released app in North America and, according to founders they have taken to heart the criticism. Nowadays, users should give each other advice instead of grades. Furthermore, it is only going to find people who themselves created accounts in the app.

Next month, a new feature of the app is launched. A payment service called “The Truth License” will let you see what all peeple members said about you.

According to TechCrunch says peeple to renounce näthat and bullying, but nevertheless seems to have no plans to do something about that.

still to see app can lead to constructive criticism or whether it is even a platform for bullying online.


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