Saturday, March 5, 2016

IT giants supports Apple – Norrtelje Newspaper

Both the UN and competitors to Apple now  supports IT giant formally in the fight against US  authorities in San Bernardino case. Stock  Photography.

 Both the UN and competitors to Apple now supports IT giant formally in the fight against US authorities in San Bernardino case. Stock Photography.


Carolyn Kaster / AP / TT


 UN agrees on Apple’s side in the battle against the FBI. If the FBI gets the right to unlock one of the company’s mobiles create a precedent that makes it impossible for the mobile companies to protect their customers’ privacy, says the UN.

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Facts: escalating mobile fractions

In December shot Syed Farook along with his wife Tahfeen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino in California.

the US Department of Justice joined in February a federal court to force Apple to help the FBI to hack Farouk iPhone.

the court ordered Apple to provide the police with the software so the phone can be unlocked and the encrypted content picked out without automatically deleted.

Apple says despite the judgment no and has received strong support from several other US iT -jättar.

Last Tuesday, participated Apple and the FBI in a hearing on encrypted technology in the US Congress.

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A court in California has given the FBI the right to force Apple to unlock the mass murderer Syed Farouk mobile phone in the famous San Bernardino case. But if it becomes a reality – Apple CEO Tim Cook says he is prepared to pursue the case to the Supreme Court – it risks creating a dangerous precedent, says Zeid Ra’ad Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

the authorities run the risk of opening a Pandora’s box that could have extremely damaging consequences for the human rights of millions of people, both in terms of their physical and economic security says Zeid Ra’ad Hussein.

at the same time in a long list of IT companies – including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo – behind Apple in the fight against US authorities encrypted technology.

Through various partner organizations they have joined together in formal letters to the court in Kalifornen that gave the FBI the right. As the United Nations warns IT giants for a dangerous precedent if Apple is forced to help the FBI.


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