Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Employment Service wants to restore RUT deduction – Sveriges Radio

The ceiling in the RUT deduction is 25 000 for the person using it. Previously, it was on the double – SEK 50 000.

But the red-green government lowered the ceiling, while the percentage was reduced – from 50 percent to 30 percent of the cost.

Now, says the Employment Service that the ceiling should be raised again. It would provide more jobs.

– If the Employment Service wants this so it shows that we in the Alliance and the Centre had right from the beginning. Ruth is a way to enter the labor market, says Britt-Louise Berndtsson (C), member of the Regional Board.

She stresses that Ruth is a blow against the black market. Black jobs have become white when Ruth was introduced.

– The white jobs to a pension. It benefits women and immigrants.

While Swedish business community wants the roof is raised. LO wants to keep it at 25 000.

Ruth will come to include more types of jobs in the future, including removal services, gardening and IT services.


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