Monday, June 1, 2015

Malaysia Airlines are cutting 6000 jobs – Daily News









The public relations crisis for the airline Malaysia Airlines has switched to a severe economic crisis. According to the company’s CEO is the company of “technical bankruptcy”. Malyasia Airlines lost for a short time two of their planes that meant that hundreds of passengers were killed.






public relations crisis for the airline Malaysia Airlines has switched to a severe economic crisis. According to the company’s CEO is the company of “technical bankruptcy”. Malyasia Airlines lost for a short time two of their planes that meant that hundreds of passengers were killed.

Malaysia Airlines were hit in 2014 by two heavy setbacks in a short time, and the disappearance of MH370 in March, the shooting down of MH17 over Ukraine a little more than three months later. From having struggled with a PR and crisis of confidence now seem to Malaysia Airlines to be close to a “technical bankruptcy”, a technical bankruptcy, according to several international news agencies.

The airline confirms that it will cut 6,000 jobs, a workforce of 14 000 people. The plan is to “stop bleeding” in 2015, to stabilize next year and begin to grow again in 2017.


– The decline began long before the tragic accidents in 2014, says flybolagets newly appointed CEO Christoph Mueller during a press conference, which is the first public appearance since Mueller was hired to steer the company last month .

“technical bankruptcy” means that the company is not formally bankrupt but in different ways have defaulted on a financial obligation and would be declared bankrupt if the creditor claims through the courts.

After two dramatic events suffered Malaysia Airlines aircraft to spökplan. Many passenger seats were empty and the gates were more or less abandoned. After shooting down said representatives of airline to the revenue loss amounted to 2 million dollars a day, around 17 million.

239 fatalities plane MH370 disappeared under mysterious circumstances in spring 2014. In August shot the plane MH17 down over Ukraine, even there under unclear circumstances.






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