Thursday, June 11, 2015

Leader: The right to lower taxes but inaccurate rhetoric – Dagens Industri

          Placard Politics. Stefan Löfven and Magdalena Andersson has a misleading rhetoric when to explain the reduction of the tax for seniors.
            Photo: Mats Andersson

 Yesterday the government gave the news that pensioners will get lower taxes next year. The proposal from the voted down the budget bill comes back in the fall, according to Prime Minister Stephen Löfven and Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson. It is good that pensioners receive a share of the reduced taxes.

The problem is that is not true. The only Social Democrats are reluctant visible tax increases for ordinary people. Ie those seen on the pay slip or tax return.

Working pensioners should get higher payroll year-end. VAT in the dining room of the senior Lodging would have been raised about the MP not stopped S from it. S wants to raise taxes for business owners and motorists. And young people’s payroll.

“The global financial crisis hit hard by the country’s senior citizens,” reads the S-opening lead that was made in DN yesterday. It is not true. Sweden’s pensioners have not got it worse.

Stefan Löfven and Magdalena Andersson points out that the pension brake, hit during the crisis. But on the three occasions this occurred was compensated for the reduction in full by targeted tax cuts. Housing supplement for those with the lowest pensions have been increased. And an extra large work tax credit for the elderly was introduced.

But above all: No retiree received higher taxes when the earned income tax credit introduced in various stages. Goran Persson launched the word “senior tax” in the 2006 election campaign Photosmart but extremely dishonest – no one did get a new tax.

On the contrary Goran Persson himself, just before that completed a gradual tax reduction for all except pensioners – a tax credit for contributions. It was a giant tax cut which now amounts to 97 billion compared with earned income tax credit 84 billion.

Alliance parties were unprepared on this cunning. Probably think a lot of people that pensioners have received an additional tax, though the only thing that happened was that they did not receive a deduction.

The Alliance is an accomplice to the concept of retiree tax has gained a foothold. It would have been better if the alliance representatives clearly had talked about that there is a deduction that is intended to compensate for that there are costs associated with the work. Instead, they talked more generally about tax cuts.

Now continues Stefan Löfven and Magdalena Andersson with the populist rhetoric. It was noticed in the election campaign in 2010, when the Social Democrats opened a separate website where one could figure out their “senior tax”. It received an alarming manifestation few months later, when the party leader Håkan Juholt, probably quite seriously, threatened to tear up fempartiöverenskommelsen of Sweden’s pensions for the elderly would get more money from the workers expense. And now the prime minister and the finance minister claimed that pensioners have received the economically weaker in recent years.
To see the Social Democratic attitude to the work line like:

  • It should be worthwhile to have worked, usually The Social Democrats say the pension debate. But the current tax cut targeted at those with the lowest pensions, meaning those who have worked very little.

  • S wants to make it harder for the passed 65 require to remain at his job as S increases employer contributions for them.


The Social Democrats have quit to deceive seniors and other voters. Magdalena Andersson should instead use his pedagogical talent to tell you that the most important for Sweden’s pensioners are more people working and contributing to the growth of the economy.

But then the her problem that she must explain why she carries out tax increases to counteract just that – an increased growth.


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