Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Greece threatens early elections – Business World

The Greek lenders have put together an agreement that will enable new payments to Greece. At the same time threatening the Greek politicians tops to hold new elections unless the agreement is “worthy” writes British The Guardian.

” The Greek lenders have reached a consensus on guidelines for a proposal to be submitted to the Greek government, “writes the Wall Street Journal, referring to two sources familiar with.

Data published at lunchtime on Tuesday received the euro to rise slightly against both the dollar and the crown.

Meanwhile, it is reported in the Greek media that the election can wait if the agreement is not” worthy “. It said, among other things, the Greek Labour Minister Panos Skourletis to the country’s television channel SKAI.

According to the Guardian taking note of the choice In that case, held on 28 June. Such a choice would most likely lead to a win for Syriza which is Greece’s by far most popular party in the present situation, the paper said.


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