Monday, May 11, 2015

Truck caused total stop to Oslo – Dagens Industri

Truck caused total stop to Oslo

                  2015-05-11 03:28

A Pulled down overhead in Värmland continues to affect all traffic between the Swedish border in Värmland and the Norwegian capital.

The night is complete halt on the route Charlottenberg- Oslo, according to the Swedish Transport Administration.

The reason: A truck had run into a pole and torn down an overhead near the park at Morokulien Infocenter in Eda, on the border between Sweden and Norway.

Eight passenger trains is set until the repairs are completed, which they estimated to be at eight o’clock in the morning. If the stop also affected freight felt Trafikverket not tonight.

Police in Varmland criticize it did before it got the information about the demolished contact line, even though the truck driver followed the rulebook and sounded the alarm to both SOS and traffic management, writes

A total of 15 passenger trains were affected, of which seven yesterday, of the stop. Rail companies put into buses on the routes where trains could not go to travelers would be able to reach their goals.


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