Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Traitor, “said Martin-Löf about Pär Boman and Tom Hedelius – Today’s News




     Fredrik Lundberg was re-elected to the Board at the General Meeting.

         Fredrik Lundberg was re-elected to the Board at the AGM.






Industrivärden’s Meeting called Sverker Martin-Löf his former confidante Pär Boman and Tom Hedelius for deserters. He also criticized the election of Fredrik Lundberg Chairman.






On Industrivärden’s Meeting called Sverker Martin-Löf his former confidante Pär Boman and Tom Hedelius for deserters. He also criticized the election of Fredrik Lundberg Chairman.

On Industrivärden’s meeting of the Grand Hôtel Winter in Stockholm turned to the outgoing Chairman Sverker Martin-Löf against two of his former colleagues, Pär Boman and Tom Hedelius. Boman’s newly appointed president of Handelsbanken and SCA while Hedelius, is a former CEO and chairman of Handelsbanken and is now a major shareholder in Industrivärden through foundations.

– It is obviously with great disappointment I see that two of the sphere’s former patron, Pär Boman and Tom Hedelius, betraying an old tradition. Not least, given that this is perhaps the beginning to the settlement of Handelsbanken sphere, he said.


Traditionally, the foundations have not acted like this, he claimed. The foundations that main owns Industrivärden went a week before the meeting with the Pär Boman and great owner Fredrik Lundberg’s proposal to rearrange the furniture so that Fredrik Lundberg would become president instead of as planned Anders Nyrén.

The background to Change was the harsh criticism against Anders Nyrén for SCA’s frequent use of private jets and exclusive yachts. Nyrén sat in SCA’s Board of Directors.

Sphere around Industrivärden, Handelsbanken and SCA held together by cross-ownership. Handelsbanken and SCA owns shares in Industrivärden, which in turn owns shares in the other two. In this way, the sphere 52 percent of the votes in Industrivärden, against Fredrik Lundberg 21 percent.

As for the eventual decommissioning of the sphere referred Sverker Martin-Löf criticism against cross-ownership that emerged at the meeting. If cross-ownership disappears relaxed sphere up.

Additionally suited Sverker Martin-Löf on giving a toss about the upcoming election of Fredrik Lundberg new chairman.

– Representatives within the Handelsbanken sphere has long either come from the bank or SCA . Year Meeting becomes the turning point of the. As you can see, the entry go to a representative of another sphere of interest, he said.

A shareholder also was critical to Pär Boman and Fredrik Lundberg switched president plans without anchoring change in either SCA or Handelsbanken boards.

– I am totally appalled by how Boman and Lundberg have usurped power. It is reminiscent of a Shakespearean Play: with the left arm hugging one another and with the right hand to knock the dagger in the back, he said.

The shareholder pointed out that many people in SCA’s Board of Directors, not only Sverker Martin-Löf and Anders Nyrén, has used the opportunity to fly and hunt with SCA, even Pär Boman and Fredrik Lundberg.

In addition, he pointed out that Industrivärden’s portfolio companies, SCA is a competitor of Fredrik Lundberg’s portfolio company Holmen.

– How do Lundberg this? He will sit on two chairs. Will any of the companies to be disadvantaged?

The sacked CEO Anders Nyrén, who until just over a week ago was proposed as chairman, held a lighter tone.

– There will not always be as expected, I had intended to take the opportunity to talk about how I see the future of Industrivärden, but after an intense spring with criticism from institutional investors and the media and from people who never expressed their views to me it looks different, he said.

Several institutions that have supported the rapid reversal of President plans, spoke.

Tomas Hedberg, CEO of Swedbank’s fund management company Robur , talked about the diversity and importance of dialogue between the different shareholders.

– In the long term, we hope that this dialogue can develop into a discussion of how the sphere cross-ownership can be settled, he said.

Even Albin Rännar from the Shareholders’ Association claimed that Industrivärden should resolve cross-ownership.

Mats Andersson of The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund welcomed Fredrik Lundberg is “willing to step forward” as president.

The meeting was otherwise relatively calm. The shareholders voted in favor of discharge and of Fredrik Lundberg as chairman. Thus, the power shift course.






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