Sunday, May 3, 2015

Ten statement hints at the eleventh hour – Göteborgs-Posten

If you leave your tax return late will cost you at least 1 000 SEK. If you have not already declared it is high time to do it now. Tomorrow at midnight is the time out.

The trend is towards more and more are out there in good time with their declarations. Mikael Bodin’s information officer at the Swedish Tax Agency in Gothenburg and has seen a change.

– More and more are out early. If it used to be a bit of a sport to be late, so people are fast now and want to see if they get something back, he said.

One reason that more leave In its declaration early may be that more and more E-declare.

– It seems to go against the record says Mikael Bodin.

The number of e-declarants have increased steadily since the declaration method introduced in the early 2000s. Last year, chose 5.2 million people, or 67 percent of deklaranterna, using the e-service on the Tax site, mobile app, SMS or a telephone keypad.

And already in the first e-declaration day 2015 March 19 , had more than 192 000 people pass their tasks. 50,000 more than last year. Total logged nearly 1.6 million people in on the e-service that day.

What are the main benefits of email declare?

– To you get a receipt for the return is filed, so you do not risk getting late fee. Plus, you get money back much quicker if you will get it. This is because the handling is faster, no need to sort and scan the paper. The Declaration goes right into the system and minimizing the risk of errors with the totals. You can see that everything is in, so it is absolutely recommended.

A late submission of the declaration can yield 1 000 in late fees. Have time to pass more than three months after 4 May have to pay SEK 1 000 and after five months 1 000 Total maximum 3 000 in late fees then. Last step, if you do not submit their tax return at all, so-called queue taxation. Then appreciate Tax Agency even income on your own and you risk paying tax.

Facts: Ten last-minute hints

first Use e-services along with e-ID or security code. Then you will see that the declaration arrived on time. At the Tax Agency’s site, all the changes and deduction, while the app on your phone is limited to deductions for travel expenses. If it submits its declaration on paper have to wait until August at the money (if you get some back).

2. If for example you have sold the residential or securities are the extra set the position that e-declare. Annexes are there ready to use, and you have sold a condominium, information on, for example, capital injections have been received from the condominium association and be prefilled. However, it is good to verify all information. The figures added up also automatically e-service as opposed to when working with pencil and paper.

third Look in the Tax deductions dictionary online if you are unsure. There are deducted from a to z.

fourth On is much information. You can also call the Tax Information on the number 0771/567 567 and ask their questions. Telephone times are at 10 to 22 Sunday, May 3 and 8 to 24 Monday, May 4 But be aware that there are people who call.

5th The fastest and safest way to get back the tax money is that you register your bank account to the Tax Agency. It has most already done and then there’s information in there, but you have not registered account, you do so most easily associated with you declare.

6th Are you unsure if a deduction is correct, you can write in the declaration how you have done and so can an administrator looking at it. The deduction lexicon are also legal cases described.

7. Shared household? Do not forget to investigate whether you can serve at distributing interest rates between spouses and distribute rut and root.

8. Examine also whether you are able to deduct travel, it is the common deduction.

9th If you have difficulty to declare, you can let an agent do it. And it is possible to shoot at the filing date, but it requires that there are special reasons. “If you have a good reason, which is that one is in the hospital or anything, so get in touch to the Tax and see if you can get it,” says Mikael Bodin on Tax. Longer trips abroad and business travel may also be valid reasons to defer.

10. It is important that the declaration submitted in time than that it is completely full. It is possible to add data after the declaration landed the Swedish Tax Agency. Such deductions you have not thought of before. Via the e-service can supplement all year. If you have received final tax statement, you can request a review in five years.

Read also: Reduced interest may be tax shock

Facts: Key Dates

May 4th Then tax return last submitted. It is estimated back taxes can make a payment later time to avoid interest.

June 8 to 12. During the week paid any tax refund back to the people who e-declared. Assuming that the declarations approved without further examination and that by 4 May reported an account where the money should be paid out.

June 15 to 18. end tax statement sent to the e-declarants.

30 June. Decisions property tax sent out.

August 5 to 14. Any tax refund paid to those who declared the paper and / or reviewed completely. It may also take until later if there is much that needs to be checked.

Facts: So many declares last day

• 312,336 people waited to email -deklarera to the final declaration of the day in 2014.

• The total number of submitted declarations that day, however, unclear because paper returns are not registered at all until after the deadline.

• 83,400 people were forced to pay a penalty fee that they submitted the declaration late 2014. An increase of 15,000 from the previous year.

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