Monday, May 11, 2015

Five mega companies have combined cash level with Swedish GDP – Business Week

Huge amount is tax sheltered and ripples in some American IT giants checkouts.
And despite increased dividends expected funds grow.

Five US IT companies – Apple, Microsoft, Google, Cisco and Oracle – have jointly funds at $ 430.3 billion . The report Moody’s Investors Service, according to CNN Money.

In Swedish kronor, corresponding to the five IT bjässarnas aggregate reserve approximately 3,563 billion, compared with Sweden’s GDP in 2014 amounted to 3.908 billion.

“Despite increased dividends to shareholders, we expect that the concentration of money in the technology sector will grow over the next year,” wrote Moody’s analyst in the report.

About 90 percent of Apple, Microsoft, Cisco and Oracle’s funds, according to CNN Money invested outside the United States. Google has about 60 percent of their cash abroad. As long as companies do not take home the money and reinvest them, they do not pay US taxes.


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