Thursday, May 14, 2015

Finally into hot bostadsbudstrid have the upper hand – Swedish Dagbladet

It is , which analyzed over 75 000 bids for housing. Through the comprehensive analysis bostadssökarsajten come to the bidder who usually wins in the bidding.

The study indicates that it is embarking on the end of the fight which usually wins – regardless of the number of bidders.

– Our survey has shown that in some cases are twice as common for the person who is entering the end of the auction wins than embarking second last. It is very clear figures to last in usually wins – regardless of how many bidders are involved in bidding, said Josephine Linghammar which is the marketing of

The statistics are divided number of bidders who won vary depending on the number of bidders. But the trend is clear: it is the one who is entering the end of the bidding who usually wins.

When the number of bidders is six, it is especially clear. Anyone who embarked at the end of the bidding win almost twice as often as those who give themselves second from bottom.

The statistics are based on 78,145 auctions from August 2012 until April this year. Only bids with eight bids or more are included in the statistical sample.

How is the situation? Yes, it’s only two bidders who are in the game and fight for a home items, it’s almost a dead heat between the bidders and the bidders two. The first came with a bid to win the fight in 49 percent of cases, while kombattenten which rested on the male slightly to embark win 51 percent of the bidding area.

When the three bidders with and fighting for an object win both bidders as a bidder two battle in 31 percent of cases. Bidder three, the one that came in last, thus takes usually home game and lost in 38 percent of the bidding area.

But in one of the sellers a high pressure housing climate, it is at least in major cities in Sweden usually more than one few in a bidding war.

After four bidders is involved even more apparent image that is last in the battle is the most successful and eventually comes across the desired apartment or villa , although the price might be too high.

Bidder four wins 37 percent of the bidding area. Second most “successful” are three bidders who win in just under a quarter, or 23 percent of the bidding area.

The trend of “last in” wins the battle becomes more apparent when take your temperature when it is five and six bidders on the same object.

When it’s five bidder wins the right bidders five more than a third of the bidding area, or more precisely just over 36 percent. It also appears a rising “scale”. Bidder one and two wins each with 14 percent of the bidding area, bidders 3 in 16 per cent of the bidding and the bidders are four wins in five bidding or 20 percent.

When an object is even more sought after, and the number of bidders is up six winning bidders sex in 35 per cent of the bidding area, thus verging on par with when there are five bidders.

Bidder five wins the game for 18 percent of the bidding area. Each of the bidders to four scoops binding joints in any more than every tenth bidding.


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