Thursday, May 14, 2015

Few women in large agencies top – Swedish Dagbladet

– If we do not do a weighting sees everything seems to be fine. But the larger the authority, the less likely it is that there are women in leadership, says Eero Carroll, investigators at the agency.

Among the twelve of the largest authorities, the proportion of women in the management team to 40.3 percent. The Armed Forces have, for example, 20 percent of women in management, which admittedly is a little over-represented in terms of the number of female employees. Insurance Agency has 33.3 percent. Maximum representation of women include Customs, with 60 percent, and the National Courts Administration and the Swedish Enforcement Authority, with 55.6 percent each, followed by the Employment Service.

The figures are from 2014. Since then, among other things, Insurance Agency increased its representation of women to over 50 percent.


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