Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The news: SCA leaders freed from responsibility – Expressen

The scandal-ridden company SCA’s new CEO, Magnus Groth , struggling to win back the company’s confidence for flights tangles and corruption charges.

– We will sell commercial flights, he said during the meeting.

At the same time, the meeting decided that all the Board in the discharge.

After a defiant speech of SCA’s outgoing Chairman, Sverker Martin-Löf, where he did not admit any mistakes so had the new CEO Magnus Groth, a more humble attitude.

He took over the role of CEO after Jan Johansson, who announced his resignation in early February.

This is in the wake after five months of revelations about pleasure trips in the business plan and extravagant hunting trips, then SvD began its investigation in November last year.

Now, flights sold.

– The sale of the flights are already underway. We will continue to make use of business aircraft, but instead rent them when it is necessary for commercial reasons, told Magnus Groth for shareholders when SCA held its Annual General Meeting in Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre on Wednesday afternoon

The company’s extravagant hunting trips will be reviewed.

– We will work to develop common standards with other companies engaged in the representation hunting. And we’re just going to hunt on our own soil. What is relevant when it pops 8-9000 moose on our land each year, said Magnus Groth.

He was crystal clear with why the policy on travel and hunting now be tightened up.

– There is a way to restore confidence. We must show that we are role models and that every day we have our employees ‘and customers’ best interests.

Magnus Groth’s statements were in marked contrast to Sverker Martin-Löf. He lifted instead to flights as one of the explanations for the company’s growing results.

– We have created shareholder value of over 105 billion during the time we had business aviation, he said, claiming that the company’s strategy of acquisitions around the world would have been impossible without commercial flights.

Martin Loof also defended the circumscribed hunting facility in Härjedalen, which has cost the shareholders of SEK 137 million. And even though it should be for entertainment only had 5 percent corporate clients among the guests.

– Hunting and representation cottage is an initiative to create something positive for the local countryside in Härjedalen and Jämtland, said Martin-Löf .

He commented, however, not revelation that he had hired his son as an advisor to SCA in miljardaffärer. But it did Magnus Groth, albeit implicitly.

– We have changed the policy for transactions with related parties, said the CEO.

After several major owner had grilled management, and criticized how they were freed from the responsibility of his own accountant, voted the meeting anyway through respect for everyone involved.

After the meeting, convened in the wake of five months rolled-up scandals, was completed summed Sverker Martin-Löf 2014 here.

– The best year in its history with a 20 percent yield for the owners.

Sverker Martin-Löf will come later in the spring to be replaced as chairman by current board member, Pär Boman .


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