Wednesday, April 1, 2015

SAS signs agreement with Danish pilots – Dagens Industri

SAS signs agreement with Danish pilots

                  2015-04-01 09:06

 (SIX) SAS announced that it has signed an agreement with the Danish  Pilot Association DPF, which covers about a third of all  pilots in the company. The company writes that there are ambitions to  included in new collaborations with the remaining three pilot unions.       The company reports in a press release.       Cooperation between the DPF and SAS based on today's conditions and  conditions in the industry. It also involves a simplification which  partly reflected in the new agreement consists of 40 pages in contrast  the previous agreement which was on 238 pages.       Mainly refers to the agreement that SAS should act quickly to the market  and to a greater extent adapt production to seasonal variations.  This time the Agreement will ensure safety and to give the individual  SAS pilot greater opportunity to influence at work. Agreement  shall enter into force on 1 April.       "Together with the Danish Pilot Association, today we have  taken a  major step forward and signed a contract that reflects SAS and today  competitive situation. Through a very constructive dialogue we have come  until the contents of the new agreement, which is valuable. SAS  a large pilotkår which helps to deliver the product to a sharp  customers, and we intend to uphold, "says Rickard Gustafson, CEO of  SAS.       "The negotiations have been long and at times intense, but they have  always been constructive and conducted in a good tone. SAS wish to retain  the Scandinavian model with contracts for efficient and  competitive terms. The requirements are necessary and essential for  maintaining our Scandinavian workplaces, "says Niels  Møller, Chairman of the DPF.       The airline has since autumn 2014 had a dialogue with all four  pilots' unions regarding competition in aviation and in February  started substantive negotiations with the goal to award new contracts  in accordance with the Scandinavian model.        SAS's ambition is to reach similar agreements with the Swedish  Pilot Association and two Norwegian pilot associations, which, among other things,  contain a common solution for the career paths of bases in Norway,  Sweden and Denmark.      Gabriel Cardona Cervantes  mailto:  www.blogg.six.seSIXNews  SIX News 


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