Thursday, April 9, 2015

I made the decision today – in the morning “- Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

The decision has matured , according to Andersson, who think that the situation right now is well suited for a shift in managerial chair in FI.

– Much of what I feel I would do on FI, we have achieved now. We have developed the business and we are much larger and we have regulated the banking sector, he said in an interview.

– When I started, we needed to provide state guarantees for Swedish banks’ funding. Today, the Swedish banks the strongest we have in Europe, he added.

Oliver Wyman works as an advisor to both the financial sector and state authorities and has been active in the North.

Andersson expects that there will be a waiting period of at least six months before he can start working actively consulting firm. Exactly how long he has to wait depends, inter alia, by the government.

But it is enough for half a year?

– It is ultimately a government issue.

As late as December 4 last year got Andersson his appointment as Director-FI extended until January until 2018.

During Andersson’s time as head of the FI relationship to the Riksbank Governor Stefan Ingves sometimes described as extremely poor. This has not affected the decision to resign, according to Andersson.

– Not at all, he says.

– Basically, I and Ingves about the same picture of reality. Since we emphasize a little different.

According to Andersson has Financial Stability Council also functioned as an excellent forum for the discussion.

So you have no quarrel with Ingves?

– We have had different ideas about how hard to go forward and at what speed to go forward. But I and Stefan (Ingves) have worked together in various forms since 1994, so we can deal with that we think a little different.

It has not disturbed you in your authority?

– No, it’s not done, as the FI has the clear ownership of these kinds of issues.

The decision to move to the private sector, however, affected by individual circumstances .

– I am a single father of three children and will marry in the summer, with a Danish woman who lives in Copenhagen. This new job gives me an opportunity to get a little easier life, says Andersson.

He expects the government at the next meeting decides to transfer him until further notice. Until then, he has taken time off.

He leaves an authority behind it doubled in size and received entirely new responsibilities during his time as manager.

– There will be new challenges now, with European Banking Supervisors. And you’ll find new forms of cooperation. There are a lot of new great questions coming in and it feels natural to hand over to someone else.

According to the Minister for Financial By Bo (MP) takes the Deputy Director General Martin Noréus over Andersson duties until his successor is in place.

Bo commented:

– I am sorry that Martin Andersson will resign at the FSA. He has done a good job and I would have preferred that he spent time out, but I respect his decision.

The country’s chief economists appear have a decent common understanding of the Agency’s work under Martin Andersson’s leadership – he has gone forward with caution.

– It has been a very big matter who succeeds him. Is that person a little more concerned and worried about the housing market so things can change quite a lot. This is about an interaction between politicians, the Riksbank and the Financial Supervisory Authority and is the successor is not the same aplomb as Martin, the question is who will win the discussions, says Annika Winsth at Nordea.

– Politicians need to grasp the issues the capital gains tax and interest deductions. It requires a dialogue to resolve household debt situation and the new Director-General must clarify the interaction between housing policy and debt, says Anna Felländer at Swedbank.


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