Friday, April 10, 2015

Financial Supervisory Authority: General Martin Andersson leaves (Cont’d) – Dagens Industri

Financial Supervisory Authority: General Martin Andersson leaves (Continued)

                  2015-04-09 14:57

 (Supplemented news)       (SIX) Martin Andersson has today resigned from the service  as Director General of the Financial Supervisory Authority, it is stated in a  press release from the Ministry of Finance.       "I regret that Martin Andersson will resign  at the FSA. He has done a good job and I had  have preferred that he spent time out, but I respect his decision, "  says Financial Markets and Consumer Minister Per Bolund.       Martin Andersson has now taken time off from his duties as  Director General of the FSA.       "The government will shortly consider his request for  dismissal. Until assumes Deputy General Director Martin  Noréus his duties ", communicated it.       Martin Andersson has been the Director of Financial Supervision  since 2009. His mandate was renewed in January 2015 with additional  three years.      Johan Lind +46 8586164 48  mailto:  www.blogg.six.seSIXNews  SIX News 


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