Thursday, April 9, 2015

FI-manager’s U-turn – a slap against the government – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

November 2014. Martin Andersson waiting to hear from the Finance Ministry. He is impatient, he would ultimately like to have a continuing mandate, according to knowledgeable sources. In the end, it will, on 4 December. The government, with Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson and Minister for Financial Per Bolund, announces that Martin Andersson remain as manager for another three years. A satisfied Director General adds immediately issued a comment on the FSA website. Martin Andersson writes that he feels honored to continue to lead the Inspectorate’s work.

Today, four months later. New vengeance. New press release. Martin Andersson ends. Go to the private consulting firm Oliver Wyman. Doubles surely their reward, but is likely to halve its credibility. It is difficult to interpret Martin Andersson U-turn as nothing more than a slap against Magdalena Andersson and Per Bo. It is also difficult to understand how a yes and a cheer can turn into a no less than half a year. It does not get better by Martin Andersson goes to a consulting firm where he can capitalize on its initiated and partially sensitive knowledge of the Swedish financial market.

Martin Andersson talked only with TT today . Where he explains that private circumstances have played a role in the decision. He is divorced, father of three and will this summer marry a woman who lives in Copenhagen. The new work provides an opportunity for a better life, according to Andersson.

It’s easy to feel sympathy for those reasons. But still – it feels like a somewhat contrived explanation. The new relationship he has had in several years, according to SvD Enterprise’s sources, and discussion of the puzzle of life ought reasonably to have been an issue in November when he fought for the renewal of the.

It is obvious that there is more behind the sudden defection. And it is natural to think that trench warfare between Martin Andersson and Riksbank Governor Stefan Ingves is a factor. SvD Business has previously reported on the inflamed personal conflict. “An ungainly and at times arrogant Ingves against a prestigious and principled Andersson,” as a person with insider describes it all.

When Martin Andersson puts the lid on, open it up for speculation . Maybe Martin Andersson hampered by Magdalena Andersson and Per Bo. Maybe quarrels with Stefan Ingves eventually led him to slam the door for good. It is clear that the news is bad news for the Swedish financial sector. It’s messy as it is with a much criticized Governor, minus interest and an alarmingly high household indebtedness.

The government must now quickly find a competent replacement for Martin Andersson. And it may not be a Stefan Ingves-look-alike. The financial sector needs a clear counterforce to the Governor.

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