Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fed: Members disagree on the first interest rate hike (Cont’d) – Dagens Industri

The Federal Reserve: Members disagree on the first interest rate hike (Continued)

                  2015-04-08 20:20

 (Additional supplement)       (SIX) Federal Reserve members are clearly disagree on when a first  rate hike will take place.       It appears from the minutes of the US Federal Reserve Federal Reserve  recent monetary policy meeting.       Several argued that economic data and the prospect gives reasons for  an initial increase in June, a time that the Federal Reserve earlier  pointed to.       'Some' members wished to see the first rate hike at the earliest  2016. Others argued that the impact of falling energy prices and  Dollar strength points to a rate hike later in the 2015th       That the terms "patient" would be deleted when it comes to  rate increases were, however, most of the members agree.       Fed sees broad improvements in the labor market and  slowdown in the first quarter is considered partially reflecting the difficult  winter weather and the labor dispute at ports on the west coast.       Many of the members judged  that a certain spare capacity  remains on the market. Inflation is expected to move towards the target of 2  percent when temporary factors abate and labor  further improved.       The Federal Reserve's growth forecast has been revised downwards slightly.  The main reason is stated to be the strong dollar. According to several members are  it is "likely that it will restrict US exports and  economic growth for some time. "       A slowdown in growth in China, the financial problems in Greece  and geopolitical tensions remain threats to international  outlook for the economy, says the Fed.    Mattias Magnusson  mailto:  www.blogg.six.seSIXNews  SIX News 


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