Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Extended protection stops at the Mall of Scandinavia – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

On Monday Electricians’ Union issued a protective stop to 120 electricians at the gigantic construction of Mall of Scandinavia. The reason is blocked emergency exits. The Svenska Dagbladet wrote about yesterday.

After a new safety inspection on Tuesday extended protection stop and apply more surfaces than before. While other professionals involved.

– It’s DPO in place that has put the extended shutdown. Approximately 90 percent of the building concerned now, says Nils Thorsell, regional safety and safety coordinator at the LO union Elektrikerna.

According to Nikola Thimgren local safety and employee of the electricity company Goodtech is also a factor the extended shutdown inadequate evacuation routes.

– We extended the stop when we had gone a round. We found more points. It is difficult to find out, poor signage, stuff in the way, which complicates the escape routes.

Even the new extended shutdown for other working groups, including painters and construction workers.

– I have ensured that there are no painter in the unit and work, says Jan-Åke Öberg at Painters’ Union.

How long the work stopped is difficult to answer on. The building has security stopped earlier this fall, even when applied jam blocked escape routes. Then it took a week before the problem was completely solved.

– I would like to see an emergency meeting at the place where they discuss how to successfully improve the working environment, so that it does not happen again. And where you work systematically to all safety officers go rounds to improve the place. In the current situation is not so, says Nils Thorsell. He says he feels disappointed in Peab and perceive that the company prioritises safety.

On Peab state that the company has taken several steps to rectify the problems on Tuesday.

– Our hope is that we will be able to work as usual at full strength on Wednesday, says Niclas Brantingson, Communications Manager at Peab.

He states that 250 persons have been affected by protective stop and he says that there is an organization of 10 people who work with OSH in place.

– There are large areas, much material is handled and in some cases, work has ruptured simply . Obviously we did not think that it is acceptable, says Niclas Brantingson and emphasizes that Peab want secure jobs.

But it is the second time the building protective stops. Why does it happen twice?

– This is the same reason, now, that building materials which are incorrect and poorly signposted. It is clear that we are serious about it. It’s the human factor that has broken quite easily.

What is the stop?

– I have no information on. These are 150 people from 900 in place so it’s not the whole construction stopped. We lose one day simply says Niclas Brantingson and believes that the project itself will not suffer significantly. The lost working time can be recouped later he says.

Safety Stop terms until the deficiencies have been addressed and may be terminated by either safety representatives or by the Swedish Work Environment Authority inspectors. There is, however, only if the employer has an opposite opinion than the union representatives and agency inspector would then go to the employer’s line.


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