Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My boss stepped aside and allowed me to grow “- Daily News




     Azita Shariati's Swedish business's most powerful woman, according to the magazine Business Week.

         Azita Shariati’s Swedish business’s most powerful woman, according to the magazine Business Week.






Azita Shariati is currently the most powerful business woman in Sweden. Her work for equality and diversity has made her a role model among the leaders in the Swedish business world.



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Azita Shariati is currently the most powerful business woman in Sweden. Her work for equality and diversity has made her a role model among the leaders in the Swedish business world.

Each year industry’s most powerful women by the magazine Business Week. This year it is Azita Shariati who is top of the list. She is the CEO of Sodexo AB, a service company which supplies services such as cleaning, meals and aids to companies in the private and public sectors.

During his time as Sweden President and CEO has Azita Shariati pushed equality issues in the enterprise . She believes that equality and diversity are central to the development of a business.


– The skills are not sitting in skin color, hair color or age, she says. We look internally in the company. What talents do we have? In what way should we develop them?

Azita Shariati was yourself a talent that got the chance to work their way up. She began as a restaurant manager at Sodexo 16 years ago. CEO post she has held since 2013, but by 2011 she became Manager for Sweden. Over the years, management has worked to even out the gender gap in the company’s management positions.

Since 2010, the proportion of women in senior management has risen from 14 to 50 percent and the proportion of women in management positions have gone up 32-46 percent. Azita Shariati believes that it is important that both women and men working for gender equality.

– Women need courage to take up more space and men have the courage to relinquish power. I had not had the opportunity to become Sweden Manager unless my boss had stepped aside and allowed me to grow.

According to Azita Shariati is not sufficient to control over a company to achieve change. One of her goals is to get other companies to work effectively for equality and thus make much difference in the community.

– The power is in change. Working with it is to take advantage of the best expertise available in the market.







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