Friday, March 6, 2015

H & M distances itself from article on Saudi Agreements – Aftonbladet

Today calls 31 Directors government not to break the military cooperation agreement with Saudi Arabia.

But now, says H & amp; M that the company does not stand behind the article published in Dagens Nyheter.

It is the principal owner Stefan Persson, who signed as a private person, according to H & amp; M.

– It is not the H & amp; M have signed the debate the article, I think there are Stefan Persson as a private person, says Camilla Emilsson Falk, press officer at H & amp; M, to SvD.

Important trading partners

The debate article in Dagens Nyheter writes 31 directors, including Stefan Persson, Christian Clausen, Carola Lemne and Cristina Stenbeck that “Sweden’s credibility as a trading partner is at stake” and noted that the trade is also an opportunity to promote the development of, for example human rights.

“In addition, Saudi Arabia Sweden’s most important trading partner in the Middle East. To break the trade agreement would be to jeopardize Sweden’s reputation as a trade and business partner.”

Do not comment on contract

Her & amp; Mauritz press officer Camilla Emilsson Falk is surprised that the H & amp; M’s president signed the current debate article.

– We did not know about it.

She does not want to discuss the vision H & amp; M which companies have the arms contract with Saudi Arabia.

– This is always when it comes to political issues, we speak not about that. We are politically and religiously independent, she says to SvD.

A hot potato

Political is Saudi agreement a hot potato and a potential government crisis. Within the government, the internal critique plant, not least from the Green Party’s side.

At the same time, it has previously been reports that Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Foreign Wallström not want to break the military contract for fear that it would impair Sweden chances of getting the seat in the UN Security Council.


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