Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Borg rage against Andersson – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Borg rage against Andersson – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Finance Magdalena Andersson’s statement today that Sweden should abandon the government surplus target of 1 per cent, the former Finance Minister Anders Borg go through the roof.

– That the government abandons the surplus target deeply problematic. It creates significant risks to Sweden’s ability to respond to future crises undermined, says Anders Borg Expressen.se.

According to Borg act Government contrary to what you said in the election campaign.

– Magdalena Andersson made during the election campaign contends that the dispute would be settled and that any changes should be made by consensus. Slips today is contrary to what was said in the election campaign. Regrettable.

The surplus target is since the 90′s crisis perceived as a central tool for creating credibility in Sweden’s economic policy. But according to Magdalena Andersson has left the alliance government such large deficits after that it is not reasonable to retain the surplus target. She also refers to the needs of an aging population.

Her moderate antagonist waft However, the criticism when he urges the government to stick to the fiscal framework.

– The government chooses to prioritize short-term political proposals in front of safeguarding defenses for the future. That the government is acting without support in Parliament also created greater uncertainty about economic policy, says Anders Borg Expressen.se.


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