Wednesday, February 11, 2015

SCA’s new CEO: “Own private jets belong to the past” – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

SCA's new CEO: "Own private jets belong to the past" – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

A week ago , he was living in Germany, as head of the SCA’s consumer products in Europe. For some days ago, he sat on a flight to Stockholm to meet both resigning as President-elect, Sverker Martin-Löf, respectively, Pär Boman. Events have moved at express speed for Magnus Groth, who is now the new CEO of SCA as a whole by 44 000 employees.

Although he formally not even have to come yet Magnus Groth keen to quickly distance themselves from the past management.

– This must never happen again. That is my message both to employees and other stakeholders.

Magnus Groth has hung off his jacket and sits up straight on an office chair in the conference room at SCA’s new headquarters, a stone’s throw from the main train station in Stockholm overlooking City Hall and lake Malaren. He is nervous, stumbles a bit on the words but not antipathetic to the tough questions.

– I can say at once that there will not be any more hunts in the head office management. In contrast, hunting an important element of our forest division, which will continue to do so in the appropriate format.

Magnus Groth announces that it has also initiated a process to sell hunting facility in Henvålen .

– SCA has undergone tremendous change over the past three to five years. From being a forestry company to become a consumer products company. Now we must also identify new ways to meet our customers and partners. I am convinced that it will go well, says Magnus Groth.

He also wants to sell the company’s entire flight operations.

– Spontaneously, I think it would be wise to sell our airline. But here there are no decisions made and I want to wait for a review of the business before I pronounce me dead certain the issue.

SCA’s new CEO will return several times to the two main challenges for all the scandals: restoring an injury contributed confidence and keep up the pace of business, which recently revealed record results for 2014, with strong profitability.

Magnus Groth says they understand that many people have reacted to the managers’ travel and entertainment also if he is wary of openly criticizing the sacked CEO Jan Johansson and the outgoing chairman, Sverker Marin-Löf.

– I will initially be careful to go through to our policies, how we travel and how we represent and assure me that every day we will set an example for our customers, he said.

The question is whether Magnus Groth is the right man to lead the new SCA. It turns out that he himself is part of the corporate culture that now suffered a devastating critique.

Magnus Groth has participated in SCA’s representation hunting and then skiing in SCA’s private jet about 10 times. Even his wife has taken place in the plane. According to Magnus Groth his wife has been on about four trips, on three occasions it has been about hunting trips.

– I started chasing three years ago in connection with that I was employed at SCA. The times my wife has been involved in the arrest, I have always paid the tickets according to the regulations that then existed, says Magnus Groth.

SCA’s new CEO must an annual salary of 9.5 million, with an opportunity to get as much in bonuses. He can retire at age 60. Magnus Groth will therefore have a lower salary than the representative Jan Johansson, who had a base salary of around 11 million. In addition, Jan Johansson 2013 a bonus of 10.3 million.


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