Monday, February 9, 2015

Bank HSCB in Switzerland has helped Swedish millionaires to avoid tax – Swedish Radio

Bank HSCB in Switzerland has helped Swedish millionaires to avoid tax – Swedish Radio

Andreas Andersson became the game hero when the Swedish national team qualified for the FIFA World Cup 2002. As professionals sometimes other Italian Milan earned Andreas Andersson plenty of money.

But a large part of his fortune he has kept secret for Sweden .

The echo Together with the global journalism network ICIJ and Le Monde newspaper reviewed the document originally from the major international bank HSBC.

Those of HSBC’s customers who were most anxious to keep their assets Secret placed them in Switzerland, a country long been known for its strict bank secrecy.

But a few years ago became HSBC in Switzerland with databases containing detailed information of over one hundred thousand people.

The wealthy bank customers could together be linked to accounts that contained more than 800 billion, it is a sum equivalent to the entire Swedish state budget.

Many of the customers were hidden behind extra security measures anonymous numbered accounts and shell companies in tax havens.

The leaked documents , which is from 2007, shows that more 500 Swedes had accounts at HSBC in Switzerland.

Although it is not illegal to have these types of accounts, few of Swedes who want to talk about it.

The echo has contacted some people who exemplifies what found in the vast material.

One of these people is a consultant, whose tax 2007 decision not seen any fortune. Yet he had at that time about 35 million on the secret account in Switzerland.

– I have no comment on that. You may try to find someone else to talk to, says consultant when the echo calling him for comment.

In fiscal year 2007 said the footballer Andreas Andersson that his fortune was 1, 5 million dollars .

In fact there was money in his account number in Switzerland, at this time, approximately 16 million. Andreas Andersson seems to have kept his fortune a secret for nearly ten years:

– Yes … it’s nothing like I have the urge to comment right now, he says to echo.

As it seems you have just recorded a tenth of your wealth to the Tax?

– Alright. The thing is that I have made a correction so to speak. So I submitted it.

When did you do it?

– Four months ago maybe.

Data we looked at is since a few years back. There you have reported a fortune of 1.5 million, but at this time there were in fact when 16 million about your Swiss account numbers. This account is well not supposed to be traceable to you?

– I will not comment more, I’ve done a fix for that which is, he says.

2007 abolished the Swedish capital tax. But the profit on capital, return, is still taxable.

Since the banking leak at HSBC become known, and then Switzerland promised to cooperate with the Swedish authorities are now thousands of Swedes made as Anderas here.

According to the Tax Agency is it about some 4 500 people are now reported their formerly secret fortunes through a so-called self-correcting.

The jeweler and diamathandlaren Marco Franco is one of those who submitted a self-correcting.

For years showed no trace of the declaration of his 60 million crowns that were on a number account in Switzerland.

But when he should explain why the money is kept secret, he has no answer . Instead starts Franco imply that he has been misled by his advisers:

– I am truly amazed at what you just said.

You have 60 million on a number account in Switzerland, and they are not recognized in Sweden?

– It sounds really weird. I thought everything was super crystal clear to the tax office, he said.

Despite several attempts may not echo any interview with HSBC. We will be admitted into the stairwell to the office in central Stockholm, but no one opens the dark wooden doors.


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