Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Conservatives need to win the battle in the middle – Vestmanlands the County Newspaper

The Conservatives need to win the battle in the middle – Vestmanlands the County Newspaper

New challenges for the middle class are losing jobs

1992 won Fredrik Reinfeldt over Ulf Krister Andersson in the bruising battle over the presidency of the Moderate Youth League, which come to be called “Battle of Lycksele.”

Almost two years later, Reinfeldt and Kristersson the only moderate MPs who voted for registered partnerships for homosexuals. Perhaps one can see it as the starting point for the renewal that ten years later resulted in the new Moderates.

When Anna Kinberg Batra takes over the party leadership and Ulf Krister Andersson gets Moderates economic policy spokesperson, it is mainly the continuity of Fredrik Reinfeldt and Anders Borg that is worth underlining. The debaters who have longed for the old Moderates return learns get yearn in vain.

Meanwhile, challenges for the new M-line immense.

To take over after the party’s most successful leader ever in a sufficiently difficult task. It’s only 100 days to go to an extra election hardly makes things easier.

But Kinberg Batra also takes over a party that during the last two years in office appeared sönderregerat. It must be factored in when the new M-line formulate their plans for the future.

In the media after rolling debate has attached great importance to 11.4 percent of those who voted for Moderatera 2010, according to estimates went to Sweden Democrats in this year choice.

Most likely it is about voters who abandoned the party because they dislike the openness and tolerance that new Moderates stand for. The question is why Moderates must adapt to these, when there is a battle in the policy middle to win.

That’s very much worth noting that according to the measurements was 7.8 percent of the 2010 M-väjare of the Social Democrats and 2.1 percent to the Green Party.

This underlines the importance of the party in government have a clear future-story, concrete reform proposals. Perceived as mere administrator, the voters of the Government of options that are seen as less whacked.

Larger than it is after all not the differences in the middle of Swedish politics.

Ulf Krister Andersson, a leading role alongside Anna Kinberg Batra is particularly interesting from this perspective.

Krister Andersson has always been an intellectually curious politician who dared to question ingrained worldviews. For example, he criticized early Moderates’ disinterest in social policy.

Recently, he spoke in an interview about how digitization and automation will turn out even skilled jobs and how it puts new demands on policy.

This large transformation is too few people are talking about. For policy development in areas such as welfare and jobs can Ulf Krister Andersson therefore become a hit for the Conservatives.


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