Friday, October 3, 2014

Vattenfall CEO questioned by nuclear criticism – Swedish Dagbladet

Vattenfall CEO questioned by nuclear criticism – Swedish Dagbladet

It was in an interview with Dagens Industri that Magnus Hall criticized the impact of the deal that the Social Democrats and the Green Party has made on nuclear power. It means that Vattenfall’s preparations for the possible construction of new nuclear reactors at Ringhals must be stopped. In addition, the cost of nuclear power is increased.

Magnus Hall has previously been CEO of forest company Holmen and has since gained a reputation as a strong nuclear advocates. He has also stated that Sweden needs to expand to new nuclear power.

But now, among others Green Party spokesperson on energy policy, Lise Nordin, to vigorously attack against Magnus Hall his comments.

– I assume that any such statements are not here will be made by Magnus Hall when the government has put into writing what waterfalls should do. There is no room for these kinds of statements in the future, she says to Dagens Industri.

The magazine issue Magnus Hall can remain as CEO of Vattenfall if he sticks to its line responds Lise Nordin:

– I can not see that it is possible.

Magnus Halls statements criticized even by Peter Eriksson, former spokesman for the Green Party and now an MEP.

– It is obvious that in the long run is not going to have a lead for the company that pulls in a different direction than what the owners want, says Peter Eriksson told the newspaper.

Magnus Hall emphasizes Now that the waterfall of course it follows that the owner decided. But he also points out that waterfall in an objective way should be able to put forward opinions on the consequences of the decisions that the owner makes.


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