Thursday, October 2, 2014

Skistar reduces staff – Swedish Radio

Skistar reduces staff – Swedish Radio

Now flagging ski resort company Skistar to reduce peso margin. In coming years, the Company expects that approximately 50 employees to be removed.

In the interim report, which arrived today, writes Skistarchefen Mats Årjes that it has become more skiers recent years. Therefore, the company trimmed and about 50 employees to be removed in the coming years.

Skistar has facilities in Salen, Åre and Vemdalen in Järjedalen and Trysil and Hemsedal in Norway.

Exactly which detsinationer it will improve the efficiency of and exactly how many people get to go, one can not yet say.

Before this year’s season sees it anyway good when it comes to booking. It is in part due to Christmas, New Year and Easter are well situated in almenackan.


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