Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Political stalemate hitting jobs – Swedish Dagbladet

Political stalemate hitting jobs – Swedish Dagbladet

Uncertainty is not as an entrepreneur like. They want to know which conditions apply before investing or venture to hire, according to her.

She adds, however, is not how politicians should solve the issue of getting a government and a budget.

– We do not want politicians interfering in how the two sides resolve their problems, says Lemne.

But she hopes to S-leader Stefan Löfven bring their knowledge from time fackbas in industry.

– He is known to have good understanding of how business works, she says.

If the election results , she says that the harsh tone from left direction came of themselves.

– It seems not that voters really thought it was that bad.

The three red-green parties did not go forward, she says.

– Swedish people is a wise and thinking people who think that Sweden is a pretty good country to live in, she adds.


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