Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pays to remain on sick leave – Swedish Dagbladet

Pays to remain on sick leave – Swedish Dagbladet

Analyses show that continued on sick leave generally have higher incomes than those who returned.

When the government tightened the rules ill in 2008 the aim was to reduce long-term leave. With the help of the rehabilitation chain, with fixed time limits where work is tested, more would be able to return to work.

There are few who get their sickness benefit at the time-outs, and among those who reach the limit continues around 65 percent as sick leave. These are thus also the economic winners in the system, the analysis by the SSIA made of the income of the group performing secured first of all.

The losers, with the lowest total revenue, those who left the health insurance entirely.

– In terms of total revenue, it is clear that the groups considered to have a higher income if you are back, says Peje Bengtsson, an analyst at the Social Insurance Agency.

Many people who reach the maximum is reduced work because of illness.

For those who lack insurance entirely left about 40 percent income from work. Exactly how they support themselves is not clear; some are at the Employment Service, others have more social and some have been retired.


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