Sunday, September 7, 2014

Money motivation for training – Swedish Dagbladet

Money motivation for training – Swedish Dagbladet

Try to put money in a jar when you did good.

A Canadian study shows that even a tiny reward motivation.

The Canadian researchers had half of a group cardiac patients who underwent rehab training reward themselves with the equivalent of 30 crowns after completing training. The result was that the group who gave himself training bonus increased its presence in the gym with a full 12 percent.

The scientists conclude that rapid economic carrot is much more effective to change behavior than to talk about the overall health benefits that to occur after a long time.

– It is well known that reward work, it is always central when trying to change behavior, says Elin Ekblom Bak PhD in medical sciences and lecturer at the School of Sport Science GIH.

At the same time, she is hesitant about extrinsic rewards actually lead to long-term sustainable change. Motivation comes from within is more important in the long run, according to Elin Ekblom Bak.

– But money works, then it was fine. The best training is of course the one that is of no matter if it’s out for a run or walk for half an hour at lunch, she says.


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