Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fredrik Reinfeldt depart for spring – Swedish Radio

Fredrik Reinfeldt depart for spring – Swedish Radio

The Moderates’ Fredrik Reinfeldt will resign as party leader. There, he said in his speech during election night.

– The election campaign is over. Swedish people have made their decision. We did not reach all the way. The Red-Green now has more seats than the Alliance and we will keep what we said. Therefore, I will tomorrow submit my and the government’s resignation, says Fredrik Reinfeldt during the party’s election night party.

He also announced that he will not continue as leader of the next election.

– I’m going to spring to hand the presidency of the Moderates to a successor, said Reinfeldt.

The announcement was followed by loud no-cry on election night.

Fredrik Reinfeldt said he wanted to thank their friends Jan, Annie and Steve. Even Maud and Lars who was involved, he says.

– We think very similarly, and there has been a tremendous strength. In a country where voters love many parties, it is important that some of the parties may be close to each other, said Reinfeldt.

Centre Party Annie Loof expressed during his speech on C-election night his disappointment that the Alliance does not continue in office.

– I am disappointed that C and the Alliance must not continue to build Sweden strongly, she says.

At the same time she also gave a comment to the news of Reinfeldt’s announced retirement.

– I would especially like to thank Fredrik. As prime minister, Fredrik has been outstanding, says Annie Loof in his speech.


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